
Impressive scree covered mountain

The scree clad slopes of Arkle look forboding, but the mountain is easily gained. A stunning terrace of quartize curves above its main coire.


Meaninghill of the level top
ListsCorbett, 179
LocationReay Forest, Coigach and the far north
Grid RefNC302461
Lat/Lon58.37106, -4.90364

Seen from the south, Arkle is an impressive mountain with quartzite scree and gneiss boulderfield rising above moorland and lochans. From the north it is no less impressive with dark coires hidden by Arkle's massive neighbour Foinaven.

Fine tracks approach from Loch Stack giving ready access to Arkle's lower slopes. Arkle's highest point is perched at the northern end of the mountain overlooking crags and coires and to bag the summit will require much hiking over boulderfield and rocky crests and as such Arkle is recommended for experienced hillwalkers.

Routes up Arkle

Foinaven and Arkle from Loch Stack

From the western end of Loch Stack, a fine estate track heads into the hidden wilderness of Reay Forest below Foinaven and Arkle. Rough and steep ground is then tackled to gain narrow crests of these complex and superb mountains.

Peaks : 2 Corbetts

Ascent : 2175m (7140ft)
Distance : 31km (19m)
Time : 11:30hr

Reay Forest Corbetts from Lone

Heading in from the roadside at the southern end of Loch Stack, this spectacular circular route takes in the 3 Corbett summits of Meall Horn, Foinaven and Arkle. A fine track leads into the remote area, thereafter paths are few, terrain is rough, mountain crests are many and navigation can be challenging.

Peaks : 3 Corbetts

Ascent : 2550m (8370ft)
Distance : 31km (19m)
Time : 12hr

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