Breabag from Conival


Long ridged Corbett mountain in Assynt

Breabag, the Corbett hill immediately south of the Conival and Ben More Assynt, is a long, whale-backed hump, covered in stone and boulders.


Meaninglittle back
ListsCorbett, 131
LocationAssynt, Coigach and the far north
Grid RefNC286157
Lat/Lon58.09736, -4.90854

In Assynt, Breabag is long hill, its boulder and stone-covered crests extending southwards from Conival for 5km.

The route from south of Inchnadamph passes the 'bone caves' (see Nature Scot) and worthy of a detour.

Routes up Breabag

Breabag and the Bone Caves

A hike of two halfs - fine paths on lower ground to the 'bone caves', followed by pathless grass and heather covered terrain to Breabag's summit crest.

Peaks : 1 Corbett

Ascent : 700m (2300ft)
Distance : 10km (6m)
Time : 3:40hr

Assynt Munros from Inchnadamph

Ben More Assynt and Conival are the highest mountains in rugged Assynt in the north-west of Scotland. This route heads in from Inchnadamph to the west with the option to extend over the nearby Corbett of Breabag.

Peaks : 2 Munros and option of 1 Corbett

Ascent : 1190m (3900ft)
Distance : 16km (10m)
Time : 6hr

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