Meallach Mhor from the weir over the Allt Bhran

Meallach Mhor

Corbett at the head of Glen Tromie

In the western Cairngorms, overlooking the head of Glen Tromie, Meallach Mhor is a rather shy and modest hill, being fairly featureless and heather clad.

Meallach Mhor

Meaningbig lump
ListsCorbett, 209
LocationGlen Tromie to Glen Feshie, Gaick and Atholl
Grid RefNN776908
Lat/Lon56.99279, -4.01526

West of Glen Feshie and near the foot of Glen Tromie, the heather-clad lump of Meallach Mhor along with its two side-kicks Meallach Bheag and Meall an Dubh-chadha, stand in a fairly remote corner of the Cairngorms.

The most pleasant route up Meallach Mhor begins with a cycle down the estate roads through beautiful Glen Tromie to reach some remote hydro-works from where the start of a lovely hillwalking route takes in this hill along with nearby Carn Dearg Mor.

Routes up Meallach Mhor

Carn Dearg Mor and Meallach Mhor

From the forests surrounding Drumguish, a cycle on estate tracks through quiet Glen Tromie leads to a remote corner of the western Cairngorms, from where much hiking over heather and grass bags Carn Dearg Mor and Meallach Mhor.

Peaks : 2 Corbetts

Ascent : 1040m (3410ft)
Distance : 41km (25m)
Time : 6:45hr

Nearby hills and mountains


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